A pint too Radical!

I loved him I swear!
But not in the way he wanted,
That I tried but dismally failed.
I lost him, and that obviously hurt,
But it helped me realise,
That it’s not love I felt,
But merely a conviction,
A hope, that if I tried hard enough
To alter my standards and expectations,
Then maybe, he would see me,
In the light of a woman to love
Because all he ever said
Was that I was too intellectually masculine a woman
A pint too radical, a bit intimidating,
That he could not picture me submitting,
Because to him, love from a woman
Is reflected in the authority with which
He can handle her!!!!

That about him, broke me!
But for just a moment,
Because I pinched myself to the reality
That no woman is too intimidating
For the man who truly loves her.
And submission, is about respect,
And respect is earned.
It took a while, to let go
Of one who was asking me
To be less of the woman I am
And aspire to be.
I wanted so much to love
But not enough to give up my drive
And determination, to appease the other person!

I’m about self-love,
A respect for self,
That allows me to appreciate
That not every man can love me
Or the destiny that I carry.
And yeah, I don’t blame those
Who fall short of ‘The one’
Because they are trying too,
Maybe just not hard enough
To see that my type of woman
Needs an unusual approach
A rare appreciation, and recognition
That my capacity and power
Don’t make a man less respectable
But rather,
Highly esteemed,
For oh! What sort of man except a rare one,
Can carry a woman so strong,
 Without fear of dropping
Not because dropping her would hurt her
But because other man would scorn his weakness.
I know that out there
Exists that one man that gets this.
And that man, is my soul mate
And I will wait for him!!!


  1. I can feel the emotion. Well done nanami!! Ukhulume iqiniso!!

  2. Wow....what genre is this btw coz i'm catching all sorts of chills ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  3. ❤❤❤❤๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญthis is an amazing poem i love it!! Preach girl!


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