Access to sanitary wear is a right!

*Should sanitary pads be freely distributed in school?*
All the time I observe debates around this question I get frustrated. It doesn't make sense to me for policy makers to argue over whether to invest in the vital development of the girl child or not. I mean, the question should never have been whether to make sanitary pads free or not, it should have been *How best can the little resources present in the nation be utilised with respect to the needs of the girl child* There wouldn't be a scuffle over the need for accessibility if policy makers recognised and respected access to sanitary wear as a rightful obligation government has to fulfil to every one of its female children. Unless the truth that I have a right to safe and hygienic sanitary pads is recognised, then I remain disrespected and discriminated by a government and society that expects me to contribute to its gross development. How do I confidently pursue my studies, my daily roles when I have no access to comfortable sanitary wear? How does the girl child strive to be a healthy Zimbabwean when unclean rags, cow dung and newspapers she is forced to use during her menstruation expose her to reproductive diseases? How do I feel empowered to build my country if it's policy implementations fail to give me pride in the biological processes that make me the girl child that I am? How does a girl child effectively socialise in a community that is painted in rigid stereotypes over the menstrual processes that she goes through? I could go on stating the questions clouding every girl child who has no access to sanitary wear but the bottom line is, *the structures existing in government and communities are not conducive to the survival of the female child* I stand today on behalf of the girl child, to plead that the government subsidize the import of raw materials used to manufacture re-usable sanitary pads; tax lifts on the overall production of sanitary pads is vital if they are to be made accessible in schools. Household budgets should recognise the necessity of sanitary pads for the girl child and stereotypes around the topic of menstrual hygiene should be uprooted because they hinder collective efforts and constructive discussions on the rights of the girl child. If we are to build a female who will aside the boy child build a Zimbabwe that we all strive to see, then it begins by investing in the confidence and health of the girl child. *Pride in my female identity before pride in my nation*If anyone is asking whether sanitary wear should be made freely accessible in schools the answer is an undebatable *YES* and no argument over that can prove otherwise. We need to graduate to a level where we are debating *how best available resources can be utilised to the interests of the girl child as well*


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