Blind but still visioned: Ishan Jalil
“ I have been blind from birth, but I chose not to be apathetic because even the lack of sight is not an excuse for not engaging in developmental processes ”- the words of Mohamed Ishan Jalil, a disabled activist from Sri Lanka greatly shape the narrative I now carry of the disabled in my community. Ishan does not only speak into change processes in his country, but empowers young people to stand above known limitations and claim spaces of development. He models the kind of resistance that makes positive transformation inevitable. Ishan Jalil in glasses, outside the Vienna Townhall, Austria. While sympathy remains the most commonly emphasized foundation for treating the disabled, Ishan carries into people’s lives an air that earns him respect and admiration. My first encounter with this amazing Sri Lankan was over dinner on the first night of the Generation Democracy Global Summit in Vienna, Austria. He was simply jovial and curious, surprisingly able recognize most of us f...